MBE isn’t merely a indicator. The MBE system was developed based on the order data’s of the big players. Our team acquired this data with a $27000 yearly subscription.
Only on TradingView. So, any device which has a TradingView app will work.
Definitely! You don’t need advanced knowledge to use the MBE system. The entry zones are all shown. So all you have to do is know how to place your entries.
Safe to say, 90% and above. Cuz the banks never lose, and our orders are based on where the banks place their orders. But what determines you winning, is how you manage your accounts.
All timeframes. It comes down to whether if you wish to scalp, day trade, or swing.
Focus on instruments with USD & JPY pairs (XXXUSD, USDXXX, XXXJPY) Because the MBE system is based on the data of USD & JPY index, so those pairs will be the most suitable.
Yes, but make sure to know the risks when trading news.
The MBE system will constantly update itself according to the timeframe. So worry not, the zones will always be up-to-date.